Did you know, Arts Theatre Cronulla t-shirts are available for our volunteers to purchase & wear when on duty? No more worrying about what to wear!
You'll also be easily recognisable by our patrons & look fantastic too!
They are black, regular fit, crew neck, comfortable & available in all
men's & women's sizes.
Oh & did we mention the price? Only $25 - what a bargain!
You can also purchase the t-shirts if you want to support the theatre &
just look amazing.
For enquiries or to make a purchase, please email the Secretary at secretary@artstheatrecronulla.com.au.
We also have a selection of t-shirts located in our props & wardrobe department that you can purchase.
Our Front of House volunteers also have black aprons they can wear to look fancy! They are located in the kitchen. No need to purchase, just wear them during your shift.
Thank you, as always, for supporting the Arts Theatre Cronulla!