If you would like to act, build and paint sets, operate technical equipment, help out with Props & Wardrobe, Box Office or Front of House, join the Arts Theatre Cronulla and get involved with a great community of people who love making theatre!
To volunteer in any of the above areas, you will need to be a current member
of the Arts Theatre Cronulla.
Membership costs $25 per calendar year and the benefits of membership include:
Notifications of forthcoming productions and auditions
Access to complimentary tickets to our productions
Annual Christmas party
Note: By becoming a member you agree to abide by the rules of our Constitution.
A copy of the Constitution can be found here: https://artstheatrecronulla.teamapp.com/clubs/138322/documents/207851-atc-constitution?_detail=v1​
You can pay your membership via direct deposit.
***Please put your name in the reference field so that we can identify who has paid.***
BSB: 012 430
ACC: 167676096
To download our Membership Form,
please click on the MEMBERSHIP FORM button below.
To download our New Member Information Sheet,
please click on the MEMBER INFO SHEET button below.
For all enquiries regarding membership, contact us HERE.