Bareboards 2024
For an outline of the plays, roles available and scripts, please see below.
Download the audition form HERE.
We are holding 2 extra auditions for our September BAREBOARDS event on:
Sunday, 14 July from 2pm to 3:30pm
Wednesday, 17 July from 7:30pm to 9pm
No need to book an audition date/time, just show up at one of the scheduled audition times.
You may audition for multiple roles. If there is an audience piece provided, please have it prepared for your audition.
Written by Chris Naylor
Directed by Michael Gooley
Written by Maz Goldrick
Directed by Maz Goldrick
Written by Mark Fitzpatrick
Directed by Lila Micevska
Written by Graham Yates
Directed by Yvonne Balakian & Graham Yates
Genre: Comedy
A couple go to bed one night and are visited by a burglar who tries to rob their place but becomes mistaken for the husband, and there are amusing interactions, hopping in and out of bed and confusions until the burglar is caught.
MATT – husband, fussy night time rituals of cleaning teeth going to toilet, and snores. Concerned with their wealth and security.
BURGLAR – deft of tongue, able to convince people of anything.
JANE – likes reading, eating and fond of her jewellery.
Genre: Comedy
Mum lives with Julia and her family. When Mum tells Julia that she is going to begin a new career, Julia is bemused / bewildered / concerned.
MUM - 70s, fairly active, feisty senior citizen who keeps busy going on bus trips and socialising with her senior-aged girlfriends.
JULIA - daughter, 40s, mother of two kids.
Genre: Comedy
Steve has a poem to write. Wayne has a dilemma. Throw in a crisis that is hilarious, if it wasn't so serious and you have 'The Poets'.
STEVE - late 20s, office worker, is trying to write a poem.
WAYNE - late 20s, bricklayer, is trying to help.
Genre: Family drama / comedy
Barbara has been caring for her elderly mother for the last five years but now she’s free of that duty, it seems like it’s time for her adventurous spirit to finally take flight. Her first foray into dating in years looks like it holds promise – Terry is smart, kind and romantic. But the practical sister Joyce, has her doubts about seeing Barbara spread her wings at long last.
TERRY - (40+) pleasant, easy to like, confident man.
BARBARA - (50+) a rather naive, caring woman with an unsatisfied taste for adventure.
JOYCE - (50+) practical, slightly bossy and somewhat lacking in empathy.